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July 17, 2024

Market News

Mother Nature continues to challenge growers across the U.S. with heat waves, strong winds and
thunderstorms. The heat continues across the East, while record high temperatures are not forecast numerous
record high minimum (overnight) temperatures are likely throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. Many of
these regions produce regional supplies during the summer months, lessening demand for product from
California. Yields and quality are likely to be impacted as harvests get underway.
The persistent high-pressure ridge out west looks to retrograde back to the west late this week once again
bringing very warm temperatures to the region. Excessive Heat Warnings, Watches and Advisories remain in
effect across portions California, Oregon, Idaho, and Arizona. Temperatures anywhere from 10-20 degrees
above average along with warm overnight temperatures are expected late this week into next week.
The timing and duration of these warm temperatures continues to be problematic for growers. Very warm
temperatures are usually not seen until later in the summer and the early seed varieties are not well adapted
to the heat. The good news is we are moving into later plantings and these varieties are better able to handle
the warm temperatures.
In the coastal valleys of Salinas and Santa Maria Valleys iceberg lettuce stands are showing some irregular
densities along with increased fringe and tip burn along with improved texture. Leaf lettuce and romaine fields
are showing fringe burn, along with some seeder and internal burn. These supplies will continue to show some
premature pinking along the ribs that is not seen during harvest and tends to show up during transit and
storage. Insect populations continue to rise in the warm temperatures with aphids, flies and other pests
reported. As growers combat the bugs with insecticide sprays the small flies and gnats tend to hide and
accumulate in between the leaves as they die off making them very difficult to find and remove during
The tender leaf, spinach, spring mix, parsley and cilantro crops are
especially susceptible to the warm temperatures. Bolting/seeders,
yellowing, discoloration, wilting and a generally thin/weaker texture
look to continue in these stands. Extreme heat can cause
physiological changes in the plants causing leaf sensitivity resulting
in a thin, weaker overall texture. For fresh-cut items this can result
in increased mechanical damage and bruising during harvest and
processing. Processed items will likely see an increase in
discoloration and breakdown showing up in the bag affecting
quality and shelf life.
It is very important to maintain the cold chain at every step and
keep inventories in check as the quality and shelf life of most crops,
especially processed items, will be challenged as the heat

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